[^_^]PS[597]>Backup-Database -dbName:pubs -deviceNames:'d:\bak\pubs.bak' -deviceType:DontKnow
Backup-Database : Cannot convert value "DontKnow" to type "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DeviceType" due to invali
d enumeration values. The possible enumeration values are "LogicalDevice, Tape, File, Pipe, VirtualDevice".
At line:1 char:73
+ Backup-Database -dbName:pubs -deviceNames:'d:\bak\pubs.bak' -deviceType:D <<<<>
# author: Sung Kim
# Description: Create Full or Differential backups for
# SQL Server database with SQL Server Objects(SMO) using PowerShell
function Backup-Database {
param([string]$dbName = $(throw 'Enter Database name to backup'),
[string[]]$deviceNames = $(throw 'Enter device name(s)'),
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DeviceType]$deviceType =
[switch]$Overwrite = $false,
[switch]$Differential = $false)
trap { break; }
# Load SMO assembly
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies'
"$PRIVATE:SmoDir\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll") | out-null
# Initialize backup object
$PRIVATE:bkp = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup
$PRIVATE:bkp.Database = $dbName
$PRIVATE:bkp.Initialize = $Overwrite
$PRIVATE:bkp.Incremental = $Differential
# Add backup devices to backup database to
foreach ($PRIVATE:deviceName in $deviceNames) {
$PRIVATE:bkpItem =
new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem(
if ($Overwrite) {
Write-Warning "Overwriting existing backup set"
if ($Differential) {
Write-Host -NoNewLine -F Blue "Differential Backup: "
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($dbName) has been backed up to "
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewLine "$($deviceNames)"
Write-Host " successfully"
# BackupFiles.ps1
# Greg Lyon - July 2006
# reference: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/csc/scripts/backup/backup/cscbk013.mspx
# Modified by DBMwS - July 14, 2006
param($strSourceFolder = "C:\programming\ps\test",
$strDestinationFolder = "F:\backup\programming\ps\test")
#{{{ function BackupFolder
function BackupFolder
param([string] $SourceDir = $(throw 'Enter Source Directory Name'),
[string] $DestinationDir = $(throw 'Enter Desitnation Directory Name'))
if (! (test-path $SourceDir)) {
throw "$($SourceDir) is not a valid directory!"
if (! (test-path $DestinationDir)) {
throw "$($DestinationDir) is not a valid directory!"
# Check if destination directory is missing any files in the source
# directory.if any file is missing, copy them over to the backup dir.
get-childitem $SourceDir |
foreach {
if ($_.PsIsContainer) {
$childDstDir = (join-path $DestinationDir $_.Name)
if (! (test-path $childDstDir)) { [void](mkdir $childDstDir) }
BackupFolder $_.FullName $childDstDir
} else {
$srcFile = $_.FullName
$destFile = join-path $DestinationDir $_.Name
if (test-path $destFile) {
$timeDiff = ($srcFile.LastWriteTime - $destFile.LastWriteTime).TotalSeconds
if ($timeDiff -gt 2) {
copy-item $srcFile $destFile -Force
write-host "Copied file $($srcFile) to $($destFile)"
} else {
copy-item $srcFile $destFile -Force
write-host "Copied file $($srcFile) to $($destFile)"
# Check if Source dir is missing any files on the backup dir.
# if there is/are file(s) missing, copy them over from backup dir to src dir
get-childitem $DestinationDir |
foreach {
if ($_.PsIsContainer) {
$childSrcDir = (join-path $SourceDir $_.Name)
if (! (test-path $childSrcDir)) { [void](mkdir $childSrcDir) }
BackupFolder $childSrcDir $_.FullName
} else {
$srcFile = join-path $SourceDir $_.Name
if (! (test-path $srcFile)) {
remove-item $_
write-host "Deleted file $($_)"
#{{{ function WaitKey
function WaitKey {
param( [String] $strPrompt = "Press any key to continue ... ")
Write-Host $strPrompt -NoNewline
$key = [Console]::ReadKey($true)
$iCopyCount = 0
$iDestDeletedCount = 0
Write-Host "Backing up " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor "White"
Write-Host $strSourceFolder -ForegroundColor "Cyan" -NoNewline
Write-Host " to " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor "White"
Write-Host $strDestinationFolder -ForegroundColor "Cyan"
if (! (test-path $strSourceFolder)) {
Write-Host "Error: source folder does not exist!" -ForegroundColor "Red"
Write-Host "Exiting script"
WaitKey "Press any key to exit ... "
if (! (test-path $strDestinationFolder)) {
Write-Host "Warning: destination folder`($($strDestinationFolder)`) does not exist"
$p = Read-Host "Create folder and continue? "
if ( $p[0] -ieq 'y' ) {
new-item -Type Directory -Path $strDestinationFolder | out-null
} else {
Write-Host "Exiting script"
WaitKey "Press any key to exit ... "
BackupFolder $strSourceFolder $strDestinationFolder
if( ($iCopyCount -eq 0) -and ($iDestDeletedCount -eq 0) ) {
Write-Host "Folders are synchronized" -ForegroundColor "magenta"
} else {
Write-Host $iCopyCount "files copied from source to destination" -ForegroundColor "magenta"
Write-Host $iDestDeletedCount "orphaned destination files deleted" -ForegroundColor "magenta"
WaitKey "Press any key to exit ... "
Experimenting with a different format of blogs...