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Saturday, November 12, 2005
  [Non-MSH] Stupid function practice
As I was browsing MSDN2 website to see if there is any useful classes and function I could use to maintain SQL 2000 server or my comp.

I have come across a namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.

Ah, great, there should be a lot of fun stuff in it.
So I thought.

But i ran into this rather interestingly named function ExecuteAndSend of SqlPipe class.

AFAIK, a function should do ONE thing and ONE thing only, WELL.
Is it that hard to write a code like


// Instead of

BTW, this "ExecuteAndSend" reminds of "SendAndExit"(i think i saw something like this from Outlook) and "SaveAndExit" functionality in Crystal Reports Formula Editor

I tend to despise such a coding practice...
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