PDC05 Hands-On Lab on Creating Monad Providers
what is "PDC05 Hands-On Lab on
Creating Monad Providers" you ask? It is one of the Word doc that comes with MSH Beta 2 documentation.
Hmm.. I must say that it is really darn good of a tutorial for dealing with creating a new provider for MSH...
The lab basically deals with creating a new MSH provider for accessing MDB file(Microsoft Access DB) as if it were a local filesystem.
It is possible to implement the provider to handle all the basic MSH core commands(help page available through "get-help about_core_commands" on the MSH prompt), such as "get-childitem"(aliased as "ls" or "dir"), "get-content"(aliased as "gc"), "set-localtion"(aliased as "cd"), and etc...
Some of the implementations for features like deleting(implementing "RemoveItem" for "NavigationCmdletProvider"), adding("NavigationCmdletProvider.NewItem") and updating Access DB data are intentionally left out for people to try to implement.
Overall, spending 2~3 hours on this lab was surely worth it.