[MSH] print-image
Your boss comes at your desk with a pile of CDs filled with high quality tiff images(roughly 20000 x 20000 pixels)
He tells you to print all the image files fit into a "letter" sized paper in 2 days
Well, that sort of stuff happend to me...
Man, was I frusted...
But that's when MSH came into rescue~
Well, the first thing that came up in my head was, "out-printer" cmdlet.
So I tried the following
MSH>$bitmap = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap c:\test.tif
MSH>out-printer -printer "Adobe PDF" -in $bitmap
Voila. Now i was excited to see a picture in PDF format through "out-printer".
All I saw in the generated PDF file was
Tag :
PhysicalDimension : {Width=14454, Height=21957}
Size : {Width=14454, Height=21957}
Width : 14454
Height : 21957
HorizontalResolution : 1016
VerticalResolution : 1016
Flags : 77888
RawFormat : [ImageFormat: b96b3cb1-0728-11d3-9d7b-0000f81ef32e]
PixelFormat : Format1bppIndexed
Palette : System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette
FrameDimensionsList : {7462dc86-6180-4c7e-8e3f-ee7333a7a483}
PropertyIdList : {256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 270, 273, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 32781}
PropertyItems : {256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 270, 273, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 32781}
, which is data you see just typing "MSH>$bitmap" in console.
Gosh, was I frusted, again. I looked into "out-printer" help page if there was some kind of "-encoding" option to print binary files(images) but there wans't any...
I resorted to using
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocumentWell, using that Class, printing is an image is a breezy job
So i created a cmdlet called "print-image" which takes an image name and print it
Here is the usage of the cmdlet
print-image "image name" [printer name] [fit image to paper]
The cmdlet takes the mandatory parameter "image name" with optional printer to print to and whether image size should fit on a paper
Following is how the cmdlet can be used
MSH> ls *.tif | foreach { print-image $_ }
Well and that's exactly what i did... :)
function print-image { param([string]$imageName = $(throw "Enter image name to print"), [string]$printer = "", [bool]$fitImageToPaper = $true)
trap { break; }
# check out Lee Holmes' blog(http://www.leeholmes.com/blog/HowDoIEasilyLoadAssembliesWhenLoadWithPartialNameHasBeenDeprecated.aspx) # on how to avoid using deprecated "LoadWithPartialName" function # To load assembly containing System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
# Bitmap image to use to print image $bitmap = $null
$doc = new-object System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument # if printer name not given, use default printer if ($printer -ne "") { $doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = $printer } $doc.DocumentName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($imageName)
$doc.add_BeginPrint({ Write-Host "==================== $($doc.DocumentName) ====================" }) # clean up after printing... $doc.add_EndPrint({ if ($bitmap -ne $null) { $bitmap.Dispose() $bitmap = $null } Write-Host "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $($doc.DocumentName) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }) # Adjust image size to fit into paper and print image $doc.add_PrintPage({ Write-Host "Printing $imageName..." $g = $_.Graphics $pageBounds = $_.MarginBounds $img = new-object Drawing.Bitmap($imageName) $adjustedImageSize = $img.Size $ratio = [double] 1; # Adjust image size to fit on the paper if ($fitImageToPaper) { $fitWidth = [bool] ($img.Size.Width > $img.Size.Height) if (($img.Size.Width -le $_.MarginBounds.Width) -and ($img.Size.Height -le $_.MarginBounds.Height)) { $adjustedImageSize = new-object System.Drawing.SizeF($img.Size.Width, $img.Size.Height) } else { if ($fitWidth) { $ratio = [double] ($_.MarginBounds.Width / $img.Size.Width); } else { $ratio = [double] ($_.MarginBounds.Height / $img.Size.Height) } $adjustedImageSize = new-object System.Drawing.SizeF($_.MarginBounds.Width, [float]($img.Size.Height * $ratio)) } }
# calculate destination and source sizes $recDest = new-object Drawing.RectangleF($pageBounds.Location, $adjustedImageSize) $recSrc = new-object Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, $img.Width, $img.Height) # Print to the paper $_.Graphics.DrawImage($img, $recDest, $recSrc, [Drawing.GraphicsUnit]"Pixel") $_.HasMorePages = $false; # nothing else to print }) $doc.Print() }
Oh yeah, I would appreciate it if anyone can tell me how i can format the code to fit on to the site :)
Tags :
Monad msh