MSH>get-zipstream .\ | get-zipContent
MSH>get-zipstream .\ | out-zipContent
function Get-ZipStream {
param($zipFileName = $(throw "Enter Zip File Name"))
# Load J# library
# used "out-null" instead of "[void]" since "out-null" would not display
# loaded assembly even if there was an exception thrown
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("vjslib") | out-null
# 1) Open "" for a zip file
$fis = new-object$zipFileName)
# 2) Pipe File Input stream object to ""
$zis = new-object$fis)
trap {
if ($zis -ne $null) { $zis.close() }
if ($fis -ne $null) { $fis.close() }
# Return the zip stream
function Get-ZipContent {
if ($args[0] -eq $null) {
# Retrive only the first value
$input.moveNext() | out-null
$zipStream = $input.get_Current()
# Load J# library
# used "out-null" instead of "[void]" since "out-null" would not display
# loaded assembly even if there was an exception thrown
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("vjslib") | out-null
trap { break; }
while (($ze = $zipStream.getNextEntry()) -ne $null) {
# Close "ZipInputStream" first and then "FileInputStream"
remove-variable zipStream
function Out-ZipContent {
if ($args[0] -eq $null) {
$zis = $input.get_Current()
} else {
$zis = $args[0]
trap { break; }
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("vjslib") | out-null
while (($ze = $zis.getNextEntry()) -ne $null) {
$fn = $ze.getName()
$idx = $fn.LastIndexOf("/")
Write-Host "`$fn = $($fn)"
# we need create a directory
if ($idx -gt 1) {
$dir = $fn.SubString(0, $idx)
$dir = "$((pwd).path)\$($dir)"
# Since the directory doesn't exist, we now create it
if ( !(test-path $dir -type container) ) {
new-item -path $dir -type directory
Write-host "Created $($dir)"
$file = "$((pwd).path)\$($fn)"
# Write only for leaf files
if ( !(test-path $file -type container) ) {
[sbyte[]]$buf = [sbyte[]](@(0..127) * 8)
$fos = new-object$file)
while ( ($len = $$buf)) -ge 0 ) {
$fos.Write($buf, 0, $len)
}; $fos.close()
Write-Host "Extracted $($file)"
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